Sermons on Saint Elizabeth

Medieval Latin Sermons for the Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, edited by Ottó Gecser.


This is a selection of twelve sermons by nine authors representing three religious orders (Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinian Hermits) and also including a secular priest (Jan Milíč), and a king. They cover the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the most fruitful period of producing new sermons for Elizabeth’s feast day. The manuscripts used for the editions are given in the footnotes. The work was completed with the financial support of the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA, NN 81446). For a wider selection of such sermons (including the here published ones) with critical apparatus and more extensive notes, see O. GECSER, The Feast and the Pulpit. Preachers, Sermons and the Cult of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 1235–ca. 1500, Spoleto 2012.


PICTURE: St. Elizabeth washing the foot of a leper; Le livre d’images de Madame Marie, 1268/1292; Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Nouv. acq. fr. 16251, f. 103v © Bibliothèque nationale de France.